Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A winning feature of Perl 6

So what features do Python programmers love to say about their code? First off they like to crow about how clean their code looks without sigils, those nasty $, @, %, &, * that Perl programmers have to put up with. Ah, but that means you cannot do any interpolation in Python strings, because Python does not know the difference between bare text and a variable name.

Anyway, Python uses _ and __ (double underscore) to change the behaviour of variables, if these are not sigils then what is? Python uses an @ to prefix a decorator. Sounds like a sigil to me.

Perl 6 mandates that variables are declared using 'my' (or some other scope indicator), but Python does not require that. This means that in Python you cannot declare a variable for scope inside a local block, like an 'if' or loop.

Python does not use braces to delimit a block. Nice, unless you need to declare an empty block, so you need a 'pass' statement (reminds me of NEXT-SENTENCE).

Most of that is trivial to be honest, none is important enough to make a strong case either way.

So what is? Threading.

A recuring theme at the EuroPython conference was the fact that CPython is not truely multi-threaded because of the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock). Ruby has the Global VM Lock. There are various implementations which bypass this issue, Jython and Iron Python do not have a problem with multi-threading but both are several versions behind and I won't be holding my breath for a Python 3 version. Google is apparently working on a CPython version which eliminates the GIL, but again that is some way off.

In a classic "sour grapes", the Python community say that threading is too difficult anyway, so use processes instead. Very few people at the conference were swallowing that line.

Multithreading should be a selling point of Perl 6 and Parrot, but unfortunately is not yet complete and will not be in Rakudo Star. That is a great pity.

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